Thursday 19 December 2013

Adding value

Adding value.

I've just spent the last few days in Munich attending a conference with many of my communications colleagues from around the world.  A nice time to visit a Christmassy Munich.

Aside from plucking up the courage to ask a question to our global CEO, a few general points come to mind.
What is important for a company's long term success? OK, that's not easy. Ask Leadership, and they'll say...People. Sure. It's the answer first to mind and one which all good leaders will reference. So what about them? Highly motivated? Yes. Committed? Yes. Proud and delivering high performance? Of course. Now, how do we do that?

It’s not my main area of expertise but according to one MD of a large logistics firm, what is absolutely vital is having a sense of purpose. That, I understand. This is more powerful for some than mere monetary targets. We all to some degree need an understanding that whatever our task or role, that it is a) connected to the performance of the company and b) moreover, that the company has a clearly defined role in improving the quality of life for the world at large. So you're not just doing X you're in fact helping to do Y.

So what does this mean for communications folk like me? Well for starters we should be asking ourselves, are those 2 points clear? You may well communicate what your company does; it's the default marcomms setting, but do you ever spend resource on telling the story of why? Is your vision clearly mapped out in order that it can be used in brand messaging about the more altruistic factors. I mean if you're a skilled young engineer, would you choose a high tech company that in reality digs, burns and pollutes no matter what they preach, or one which adds social value and improves the life of your own family or home town perhaps?

More thoughts needed for sure, but for me, knowing the big picture of value is key for motivation...

Friday 13 December 2013

So it begins...

Everything you want is on the other side of fear.

So it beings with my first steps into blogging... perhaps it'll be read by some, mostly I think it's a good way for me to write down what I'm thinking. I should have done this a while ago seeing as my profession is currently Communications...but more on that later.

OK, a Geordie in the South East of England, sure I'm not the only one, but it's kinda cool sometimes to have at least one stand out point in a meeting...if the accent is what works on one day, I'll take it.

I guess I'm a complicated guy, corporate teachings and various assessments have me as an Introvert so not surprising that people take a while to get to know me fully, if ever. I mean surely it's best to not always be an open book...keeps things interesting. That said, it can lead to over thinking and less action, hence the quote above. Sometimes a little more doing and less consideration works a treat.

I'll probably post on topics like work related marketing / communications trends, particularly from my experience working within a large global German organisation. I'm also keen on nutrition (I think vegan as someone once said), although the trick is not to preach too don't want to be that guy...although I'm probably guilty of hammering a point too much when I think it's important...tact needed. I'm also a bit of a runner and gym bunny so there's loads out there to mention about that.

Love movies too so maybe I'll give my thoughts on the latest releases, but there's better critics out there...professional types!

That's it for now...
